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Small Animals

  • Equine/Bovine


Small Animal

Adjustments at WTAC                              $50

Adjustments <50 miles from WTAC          $75

                    Adjustments >50 miles from WTAC          $75 + Travel Fee

  • Goats, sheep, rabbits and other animals may have a different price schedule. Ask for details.

  • Travel fee for barns over 50 miles away is $1/mile and is calculated one-way. WTAC tries to schedule calls as geographically efficient as possible to spread out the cost of the service call. The travel fee is negotiable for barns with 10 or more animals.

The State of Texas requires your veterinarian to approve of the chiropractic treatment prior to your animal being adjusted. This referral must be in writing and on file prior to scheduling your appointment. Colorado is direct access which means no referral is needed prior to scheduling care. Should your animal require veterinary care, WTAC will refer you back to your veterinarian.

***WTAC is seeing animals by appointment only. He is traveling to Colorado one to two times per month. Contact by calling or texting 806-680-0680.

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Certified in animal chiropractic by the
Animal Chiropractic Certification Commission (ACCC) of the
American Veterinary Chiropractic Association (AVCA)

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